Culture of Cirebon

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Kasepuhan Cirebon
Cirebon ( pronounced "Cheer-e-bon" ) or in his ancient name Grage which came from the words "Negara Gede", meaning "Great Kingdom." is the city in the North Coast of Java Island, close to the border of West Java and Central Java. Because of this, Cirebonese have their own dialects, bearing elements of Sundanese and Javanese.
As a coast city, fishing is an important of traditional way of livelihood. For the big catch of Shrimps, Cirebon is by named Kota Udang or the Shrimp City. Currently, Cirebon expanded his facilities to full fill his roles as a: Harbour City , Industry City, Trade City and Tourism & Cultures City.
Cirebon (formerly referred to as Cheribon in English) is a port city on the north coast of the Indonesian island of Java. It is located in the province of West Java near the provincial border with Central Java, approximately 297 km east of Jakarta, at 6°43′S 108°34′E. The urban core of Cirebon is very small in extent, however, its dense suburbs sprawl into the regency.
Cirebon regency consists of 40 districts, which are subdivided over 412 villages and 12 urban villages. Cirebon district administrative center in the District Sumber, which is in the southern city of Cirebon. Three new districts formed in 2007 is the District Jamblang (Expansion District of east Klangenan), District Suranenggala (Expansion District of south Kapetakan), and District Greged (Expansion District of Beber).
Cirebon Train Station.
Cirebon is one of the most densely populated regency in West Java. Cirebon regency population continues to grow, however from census to census, the average trend growth rate from census to census population increasingly slowed. In the year 1980 the population numbered 1,331,690 Cirebon regency new people and in 1990 recorded 1,648,021 people. Ten years later in 2000 the District of Cirebon to 1,931,068 people. Preliminary results of the data processing-L1.P212 SP2010, SP2010-C2, and SP2010-L2 (condition July 15, 2010) amounted to 2,065,142 souls to the composition of inhabitants 1,057,501 men and 1,007,641 women inhabitants.
According to provisional results of the Population Census figures Indonesia 2010, District Sumber is a region with a population of 80,914 at the most, namely the soul and the next is the District Gunungjati as many as 77,712 inhabitants. While the region with a population of at least Cirebon district is the District Pasaleman as many as 24,912 people and as many as 26,554 lives Karangwareng District.
Cirebon City is a nice and beautiful city in the North Coast of java Island. Close to the border of West Java and central Java. Most people in Cirebon live from trade sector and work in harbour, government, private sectors as in home industry batiks and rattans, oil industry, automotive industry, cement industry, and as a fisherman as a traditional livelihood.
In this blog i will introduced you how beautiful Cirebon

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