Culture of Cirebon

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Showing posts with label Arts of Cirebon. Show all posts

Topeng Dance

Topeng Dance
Topeng Dance ( Topeng is indonesian for "mask") is a local original art of Cirebon. In the traditional life of the people of Cirebon.
Topeng Dance are usually closely associated with traditional performance art, at every celebration, marriage, circumcision, memitu (mitoni), puput pusar, gusaran and khaul / kaulan and so on, mask performances are always side by side with the Wayang show (puppet). Topeng dance during the day and night Wayang show (puppet)  Linkages between the mask and puppet traditions have a reason, that everyone who wants to be a good Dalang (puppeteer) must also have mask dances to the play / dance puppets looks steady.
Among cultivators Cirebon mask there is an assumption that the mask was created by Nurkalam or Sunan Demak. Another assumption states that the mask is the creation of Sunan Kalijaga. In this show there are still old beliefs embodied in the form of offerings and burning incense.
Cirebon mask performances, no matter where they are, have the order of presentation are generally the same and could serve as the main feature. The order of presentation are:
1) Panji Mask
2) Mask Pamindo / Samba
3) Mask Rumyang
4) Tumenggung / duke, followed by a dance Tumenggung War vs. Jinggaanom
5) Mask Klana / Rowana.
Except in Panji Mask, mask any appearance interspersed always bodoran (joke). Dancing character most associated with the woman, for example, Panji Mask soft character, Mask Pamindo / Samba character ganjen (agile), Mask character of Rumyang is ganjen (agile, ladak) but not agile as Pamindo Mask. Mask Tumenggung / duke gallant character; and Mask Klana / Rowana rugged manly character.
Judging from the patterns of traditional performances and based on the motivation of people who have the events, there are three kinds of patterns show, dinaan (performances mask celebration), mask in communal ceremonies (welcome the visitors, Ngarot, Sedekah Bumi, Mapag Sri and others) and mask bebarang (ngamen).
One other type of mask dance is a mask dance Kelana Kencana Wungu is a series of mask dance style Parahyangan which tells about Queen Kencana Wungu was being chased by an infatuated Prabu Minakjingga craziest her. Basically each mask which represents each character describes the human disposition. Kencana Wungu, with a blue mask, representing the character of a lively yet graceful. Minakjingga (also called wanderers), with a red mask represents the character-tempered, and impatient tempramental. This dance masterpiece Nugraha Soeradiredja.
Hand and body movements are graceful, and musical accompaniment dominated by kendang (Drums) and rebab, is another hallmark of mask dance.
Mask Dance Arts is still exist learned in dance studios there, and still often performed at formal occasions region, or in other areas of traditional moments.
One is a mask dance maestro Mimi Rasinah, active dancing and teaching art in the studio Mask Dance "Tari Topeng Mimi Rasinah" located in the Pekandangan village, Indramayu, Indramayu.
Since 2006, Mimi Rasinah had been paralyzed, but he was still eager to dancing and teaching dance mask until the end, Mimi Rasinah died in August 2010 at the age of 80 years
Location: District of Losari, Slangit, Gegesik and Kreo.
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